"... live separately from the rest of the people in the city"
Urban Dictionary

Bad (Read: Good) Wake Up Call

Wake Up Geoff!!!!!

2 min read

This morning I was just half awake around 7 am, wanting to get some more sleep, when who should ring but a mate from church, Geoff

He asks me if I was doing anything today and if not, did I want to go and work on site with him. I said yeah, and he gave me the address and told me to be there at 8. within about 20 minutes, I had showered, dressed, eaten breakfast (well, a bowl of Kellogg's Komplete) and out the door.

The day was pretty good, moved bricks, did some "paving", dug some trench, carted some sand around, swept some floors, and now I'm just a little bit more tired, perhaps a tiny bit "bigger" and a bit richer as well. Plus I got to meet Geoff's boss, Arthur, and have a bit of a chat to Geoff about how things are going.

Had a pretty nice dinner tonight, my sister cooked Minestrone, Garlic Bread, Veal, Potatoes and Peas. Went down a treat. The weekend brings on some fun and games, which should be good.

I'll be heading to a housewarming where I've been told there will be Lino on underlay, so plenty of bboying to be done, and then I'm heading to 2Tribes with "The Boys" to see The Prodigy, Dave Seaman, Armand Van Helden, Signum, and a host of other international and local DJs.

Plus on Sunday I have church, which is always good. Thinking I'll have to get my act together and talk to a certain someone I'm interested in and see how things go from there. Off to see The Aviator now.